Plants Healthy & Safe?
How well are your plants growing?
What level of risk exists from large trees, and what can be done to reduce risk?
Are soil, water & plants interacting harmoniously in the landscape, or are they at odds?
Which specific pests are reducing health, safety & beauty in the landscape, and what can be done about them without destroying something else?
Michael Baefsky’s knowledge about plants and the landscapes is rooted in practical experience designing, installing and maintaining landscapes. His academic training in soils, water, plants, weeds, plant diseases and ecology includes applied research before, during and after finishing a degree in pest management from the College of Natural Resources, at the University of California, Berkeley. Baefsky is licensed by the State of CA as an expert in plant diseases, insects, mites, weeds and vertebrate pests (Ag PCA #074617).
Many plant problems that Michael examines begin in the soil, especially those that lead to death, dying, serious diseases and cataclysmic failures.
Understanding how soils and landforms are impacting water & plant cycles is key to managing landscapes & useful for troubleshooting dying plant problems.
Solutions include matching plants to the topography, microclimate and water source, and carefully managing soils to reap their benefits.
Risk assessments of trees involves identifying tree defects, interpreting likelihood of failure and likelihood of impacting targets, and correctly analyzing the activity levels of potential targets. As Qualified Tree Risk Assessor #WE0222A Michael applies current scientific and professional standards to this important work.
Ornamental and food based landscapes can create conditions where pests thrive. Michael Baefsky’s mission has been to encourage creative design solutions, and low risk answers to pest population problems. From biological control to the use of mulches and weed burning tools, as well as reduced risk pesticides, Michael Baefsky has been a leader in applied research, education and implementation of ecological pest, disease and weed management throughout the state of CA.
Contact us to learn how we can help you resolve your landscape challenges.